Ethiopia Konga Idili


Whole beans from Yirgacheffe district, natural processed heirloom.


Roasted on 04/06/2021.

Out of stock



Whole beans from Yirgacheffe region, it is a heirloom natural processed. This coffee tastes a bit spicy (vanilla, tonka), aromatic herbs and turns red berries once cold.

The following informations and pictures are provided by the importer Cuprima.

District : Yirgacheffe
Village : Konga
Region : Southern nations, 5 km from Yirgacheffe Town
Altitude : 1780- 1870 meters above sea level
Number of people working at washing station : 500
Number of small farmers that bring in their coffee : 5000 – 6000 farmers
Soil type : red brown, well drainage fertile clay soil
Rainfall : 1790 – 2100 mm
Temperature ranges : 24 °C -29 °C
Soil depth : Above 1,5 m
Water source : spring water
Picking season : from January to end of February
Variety : heirloom
Crop : 2020
Process : natural, dried on African beds around 15 days. Coffee gets turned each 1/2 hour

Konga Idili is the second washing station build on the site of Konga due to the big succes of the first one and the huge amount of farmers living in the neighbourhood. Idili means in family in Amharic because the washing station has the feeling of being one big family for the families that bring their red cherries year after year & know that they get a good price for it.


Additional information

Weight 0,2 kg

We will be closed from 25/07 to 09/08 included. Tuesday 23/07 is the last day to put your order requests. Afterwards, we will roast on 12/08. The available coffees will be updated on that afternoon. See you ! <3