Ethiopia Worka


Whole beans from Worka in the Yirgacheffe region, washed heirloom.


Roasted on 26/06/2023

Out of stock



Whole beans from Gedeb district in Yirgacheffe in Ethiopia, it is a heirloom washed process.

District : Gedeb
Town : Few kilometers from Gedeb town
Altitude : 2200- 2250 meters above sea level
Number of small farmers that bring in their coffee : 411
Rainfall : 2000-2200 mm
Temperature ranges : 22 °C -28 °C
Variety : heirloom
Crop : 2022
Process : Washed, pulped the same day the cherries are picked, Dried on African beds for up to 7 days.
Importer : Latorre and Dutch

Additional information

Weight 0,21 kg

We are currently closed for a 2 weeks break. Your order requests will be processed at our return on 28/01/2025. The next roasting session will take place on the same day. Thank you ! Love y'all !